A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his/her strengths and minimize his/her weaknesses. Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.
Here is how the definition of TEAM applies to our school...
This time each year our students are getting ready for some HUGE events. InSalon is just one of them. It is a hair show and student competition in St. Paul, MN that we attend and compete in every year. This event is a big deal for us because it is our opportunity to prove our talent and take home trophies to add to our collection of talented students and industry leaders for Josef's.

Our NEWEST students (who started school in September) are attending the show - but with the main agenda of cheering on the rest of our student body. They have been encouraging the other students and are making signs to hold during the competition to show their support...
This in turn has helped one of our New Talent students Carrie to go forward with confidence and know that she will be supported at the event...
Because she is supported, she has passed on some of her confidence to Sarah, who after some serious personal conflicts was thinking about dropping out of the competition, but now is going forward...
These examples are just a few compared to what is actually going on daily right now as our students really maximize their TEAM'S potential.
Our amazing instructors, including Mr. Mario and Mr. Joseph are so important in this competition as they encourage and help the students realize their true potential and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.
If you happen to be at InSalon this weekend - look for the beautiful team of people - all supporting each other and all wearing this year's Josef's t-shirt. Feel free to join us - as we always have room for more - if you want to know the love and kindness that our team has to share.
Best of luck to everyone and a special thank you to our models for your time and commitment too! We love you all so much!

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